Thursday, 9 September 2010

Blue Skies

As you'll see on the little side gadget thing I have taken some new pictures. Had to pretty much force myself out of the door to get them as the light was shocking. Soon as I stepped out the clouds lifted and the cotton wool clouds came out to play and I ended up with a few decent shots for a National Trust Competition at Clumber Park.

Now when I first started off taking photos I always wanted a clear blue sky. Well you do don't you? You think of a summers day or a beach in the tropics with a perfect blue sky and think "wow! that will look stunning in my photo". But very soon you learn that solid blue skies are just as bad if not worse than a flat white sky. At least with a flat white sky they can look half decent as a black and white photo. With a solid blue sky there is no contrast and worse still no interest!

I'm a big sky fan and love to see drama in a sky. I even like con-trails left by the jets but that seems to be pretty frowned upon by the competition judges. Even when they have been placed in the perfect spot - one example was as a beam of light out of a lighthouse for a competition on communication. The judge didn't get it but 17 out of 20 wasn't too bad.

Now autumn and soon winter will be on its way we will get gloomier skies but we will also be getting the low light that us photographers love. So keep your eyes on the sky and soon as the drama starts to happen get that camera out. If it is just plain blue skies get the BBQ out whilst there is still some warmth left in the air!