Monday, 23 August 2010

Weather like this it's time to....

Clean the camera kit. Yeah it's pretty rubbish out and I have a day at the coast planned tomorrow. Sadly not a photographic day but if I can sneak off for a dawn shoot I will do. Anyway with weather like this and still a massive lack of hay bales I'm putting my time to use constructively and cleaning the camera kit.

Quite a few of my students now have DSLR's and a couple of lenses. We mess about with aperture a lot and suddenly when we are hitting F22 they are noticing the good old dust spots. So I have now built into the lessons for this year a little bit of camera cleaning advice and how to change those lenses in a way to reduce the amount of dust entering the body.

Right for now have a snap of some corn fields - I got an email telling me this isn't corn from an American follower of my work. Good old English eh?

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